Matching workshops provide hints and stimulation

Wang Weying

School of Environment and Society,  Architecture Course
Workshop participated:2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

Born in 1995 in Shanxi Province, China. Came to Japan in 2019 after graduating from Hunan University in China. Completed his master’s degree in Architecture at the Department of Architecture and Building Engineering in the School of Environment and Society in 2021. Currently, he is a 3rd year doctoral student in the same department.

<Research Theme>
Generation and understanding of human behaviors with mathematical and deep learning models

Three reasons I participated in matching workshops

I participated in seven matching workshops between 2019 and the fall of 2023 for three reasons. First, I am stimulated by discussions with students in a variety of other departments in the university and can incorporate new knowledge into my own research. Second, talking with others and exchanging research ideas is enjoyable. Third, regularly participating in the workshops allows me to make friends. Thus, workshops are opportunities to meet with friends again.
For example, in the Fall 2023 poster session, I described my research to another student who is researching blockchain technology. Although his field of research differs from mine, we engaged in a stimulating exchange of views, and I sense the potential for a fusion of different fields.

Thinking about problems in real life accelerates research

Matching workshops made me start to think about my research interest from the perspective of its application to real life. At workshops, I can hear about the problems corporations are directly facing, which requires me to think about whether and how I can apply my skills and experience to dealing with those problems. Workshops have also provided me with opportunities to intern at a telecommunications company and experience discussions with an automobile manufacturer.
Through these types of experiences, I was able to gain a real sense of how my skills and experience could provide me with hints that lead to solutions.
I felt that understanding what kind of activities corporations engage in and how they face problems have led me to practical solutions that have increased impact on my research.

To students who are going to participate in the SSS Matching Workshop

Matching workshops are places that facilitate engagement with diverse people and meeting up with people who have common interests and concerns both in terms of research and work. Enjoy and look forward to new encounters!

Message from the supervising professor

It is essential to understand, predict, and control the behavior of people staying in cities to realize a super smart society with safe, secure, and comfortable urban spaces. Mr. Wang extracted the latent regularities hidden in the spatiotemporal distribution of people in cities, and attempted to generate people's activities and mobilities based on the extracted regularities. His research results have been published in some prominent international academic journals, which has a low acceptance rate, and they have been highly praised internationally. Mr. Wang participated in the matching events organized by SSS Consortium and WISE-SSS for seven times. He is a person with a strong inquisitive mind who actively pursues practical issues and solutions through interactions with people from private companies, national research institutes, and local governments. I believe that he will make a significant contribution to academia and industry in the future from an international perspective by utilizing the knowledge, technology, experience, and know-how he acquired at SSS. (Prof. Osaragi, School of Environment and Society)

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Super Smart Society Promotion Consortium

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Tokyo Tech is newly launching a consortium to promote the realization of Super Smart Society (Society 5.0), and planning to develop future leaders who are capable of supporting the transformation to Super Smart Society.To accomplish this aim, Tokyo Tech is looking for highly motivated companies who wish to join this consortium and support this education program.

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