The 10th Super Smart Society Promotion Forum
“Fusion of Ocean and Technologies to Innovate Super Smart Society: Pioneering Solutions for Global Issues “Exploring the development of ocean technologies and potential for implementation in society toward to smart society.
- Date19th (wed) March 2025 13:00~20:00
- VenueScience Tokyo Ookayama Campus N9
Multi-Purpose Digital Hall - Target participants・SSS Consortium partners, University Faculty, Staff, Students, and those interested in our activities
・Those who are interested in Smart Ocean - FeeForum: Free
Networking: Fee: 2,000 yen, Free for students
SSS Matching Workshop 2024 Fall
SSS Matching Workshops are held twice a year to present research results and ideas in front of researchers and engineers from companies and research institutes related to the super smart society. Join the workshop and actively present your ideas!
- DateDecember 5th, 2024 0:30pm-8:00pm
- VenueTokyo Tech Front / Kuramae Hall and Royal Blue Hall
- Target participantsScience Tokyo Students, Faculty, SSS consortium partners
- FeeFree (planned)
SSS Matching Workshop 2024 Spring
SSS Matching Workshops are held twice a year to present research results and ideas in front of researchers and engineers from companies and research institutes related to the super smart society. Join the workshop and actively present your ideas!
- DateJune 5th, 2024 0:30pm-8:00pm
- VenueTokyo Tech Front / Kuramae Hall and Royal Blue Hall
- Target participantsTokyo Tech Students, Faculty, SSS consortium partners
The 5th Anniversary Symposium
“What should we do now for the future human society?”The Super Smart Society Promotion Consortium, established in 2018, is celebrating its 5th anniversary. To commemorate this, we will hold the "Super Smart Society Promotion Consortium 5th Anniversary Symposium" on March 13, 2024. The comprehensive theme of this symposium is “What should we do for the future of humanity society.''
We will invite prominent key people to introduce their cutting-edge knowledge and share their thoughts on DX, ICT, AI, agriculture, medicine, science, SDGs, etc. from a big-picture perspective. In addition, future human resource development and industry-government-academia collaboration, as well as their roles and expectations for the Super Smart Society Promotion Consortium will be referred.- DateMarch 13th, 2024 Wednesday
- VenueTokyoTech Ookayama Campus
- Target participantsSSS Consortium partners, University Faculty, Staff, Students, and those interested in our activities
- FeeSymposium...Free
SSS Matching Workshop 2023Fall
SSS Matching Workshops are held twice a year to present research results and ideas in front of researchers and engineers from companies and research institutes related to the super smart society. Join the workshop and actively present your ideas!
- DateNovember 29th, 2023 0:30pm-8:00pm
- VenueTokyo Tech Front / Kuramae Hall and Royal Blue Hall
- Target participantsTokyo Tech Students, Faculty, SSS consortium partners
- FeeFreeFree
The 8th Super Smart Society Promotion Forum
"Re-Engineering of Agriculture towards Super Smart Society"
Japanese agriculture is now facing such challenges as small and diverse farms, the decline and aging of farmers, and the difficulty of predicting productivity and profitability. To solve these and also to continuously develop Japanese agriculture, it is essential to evolve to super smart agriculture by using state-of-the-art technologies such as IoT, AI, and robotics to accelerate digital transformation in the entire agricultural management as a total system. And integrating production, processing, distribution, and consumption also helps as well.
To facilitate this transition, we will hold the 8th Super Smart Society Promotion Forum entitled "Agriculture Re-Engineering towards a Super Smart Society," where the cutting-edge knowledge and technologies are to be introduced. Furthermore, in the panel discussion, the challenges and visions for new agriculture and the ideal form of agriculture in the future social system will be discussed.- DateSeptember 26th, Tuesday, 2023
- VenueTokyo Tech Suzukake Hall @ Suzukake Campus
- Target participantsSSS Consortium partners, University Faculty, Staff, Students, and those interested in our activities
- FeeFree
Social gathering 1000yen (tentative)Free
Social gathering 1000yen (tentative)
[Limited Event] One-day School 2023
- DateSeptember - October 2023
- VenueTokyo Tech
- Target participantsConsortium Partners
1st SSS Matching Workshop (FY2023)
- DateJune 7th, 2023 0:30pm-8:00pm
- VenueTokyo Tech Front / Kuramae Hall and Royal Blue Hall
- Target participantsTokyo Tech Students, Faculty, SSS consortium partners
FY2022-Fall SSS Matching Workshop
We aim to build interdisciplinary research teams that cross fields by matching the needs of the Consortium partners with the seeds of the research and human resources of faculty and students at Tokyo Tech.
- Date
November 16, 2022 (Wed.)(Seeds-Round)
December 7, 2022 (Wed.) (Needs-Round) - Venue
Seeds-Round : Multi-Purpose Digital Hall, Media Hall and Collaboration Room at Oookayama Campus TokyoTech
Needs-Round : Online (Zoom) - Target participantsAll Tokyo Tech students, SSS Consortium partners, Tokyo Tech Faculty and Staff
- FeeAdmission freeAdmission free
- Date
The 6th Super Smart Society Promotion Forum
"International Perspectives for 6G Communications towards Super Smart Society"
- DateSeptember 30, 2022
- VenueHybrid(Tokyo Tech Front and Zoom)
- FeeFreeFree
First SSS matching workshop (AY2022)
We aim to build interdisciplinary research teams that cross fields by matching the needs of the Consortium partners with the seeds of the research and human resources of faculty and students at Tokyo Tech.
- DateJune 8, 2022 (Wed.)(Seeds-Round)
June 29, 2022 (Wed.) (Needs-Round) - VenueSeeds-Round : Multi-Purpose Digital Hall, Media Hall and Collaboration Room at Oookayama Campus TokyoTech
Needs-Round : Online (Zoom) - Target participantsAll Tokyo Tech students, SSS Consortium partners, Tokyo Tech Faculty and Staff
- FeeFreeFree
- DateJune 8, 2022 (Wed.)(Seeds-Round)
The 5th Super Smart Society Promotion Forum
"Towards Super Smart Society in Carbon Neutral Era"
- DateThursday, March 10, 2022 13:00-18:00(Tentative)
- VenueOnline(Zoom)
- Target participantsSSS Consortium partners, University Faculty, Staff, Students, and those interested in our activities
Second SSS matching workshop (AY2021)
We aim to build interdisciplinary research teams that crosses fields by matching the needs of the Consortium partners with the seeds of the research and human resources of faculty and students at Tokyo Tech.
- DateWednesday, November 17, 2021 13:20-17:45(S-round)
Wednesday, December 8, 2021 16:45-20:20(N-round) - VenueOnline(Zoom)
- Target participantsTokyo Tech Students, SSS Consortium partners, Tokyo Tech Faculty and Staff
- DateWednesday, November 17, 2021 13:20-17:45(S-round)